Home Cultura Road to Broadstairs. Speakeasy a cura della classe 3ªQ Liceo Linguistico Dall’Aglio

Road to Broadstairs. Speakeasy a cura della classe 3ªQ Liceo Linguistico Dall’Aglio


Prosegue la collaborazione fra il Liceo Linguistico “Cattaneo-Dall’Aglio” e Redacon.

"Speakeasy", una rubrica curata dagli studenti.


Road to Broadstairs

Having an experience abroad, whether long or short, is an excellent occasion for personal and professional growth and, surely, a way to create memorable memories. Nowadays young people want to travel as much as possible, learn new languages, visit new places and discover other cultures. As third classes of Liceo Linguistico and Liceo Scientifico, we had this opportunity: we lived just like English guys for a week in Broadstrairs, a town on the English coast.

We were hosted by local families, who welcomed and treated us with kindness and friendliness. One of the things we noticed first was how different houses are from ours. They are smaller and mostly made of wood, but inside they are very nice and cozy and we found them really comfortable. Every day we went to school and took part in lessons with other foreign students, putting into practice our language skills. Every day gave us  a chance to get out of our comfort zone, grow up and learn how to adapt in a particular situation, so becoming more independent. We felt we were continuously put to the test. For this reason we felt a lot of emotions: from astonishment to tiredness or happiness and even anger and many others, but mostly it was fun.

Together with our mother-tongue teachers we also talked about issues regarding work, such as how to write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) and how to deal with a job interview. In the evening we took part in different activities, like drama or cinema. We had a lot of fun, while learning typical aspects of British culture.

On the third day we went to visit London. We didn’t expect it to be so beautiful. You often hear about this city and its monuments, but when you're there, with your own body and soul, everything changes. You feel like wrapped in the warmth that the English capital shows with its dynamism and majesty. On the first day we went, we had a long walk around the town and along the river Thames and we saw some of the iconic places this city is famous for. In the evening we were all tired, because we had been walking all day, but we were happy, because we had visited one of the most beautiful cities in the world. On the second day we went to London, we visited the British Museum which is well-known all around the world. There, we saw live some of the art works we had studied at school before leaving.

As it is to be expected, just one week does not change your life, but certainly leaves you with good memories and increases that curiosity about the world that drove you to leave in the first place. Everybody should have an experience like this to open their minds and look for something different, because out there the world is full of beautiful things to discover.

(Giorgia Bertolani, Maria Vittoria Albertini, Matilde Conconi, Aya Essadiky, Rossella Ghirelli, Classe 3ªQ Liceo Linguistico Dall’Aglio)


Fare un’esperienza all’estero, lunga o corta che sia, è un’ottima occasione di crescita personale e professionale e, sicuramente, un modo per creare ricordi memorabili. Oggigiorno i giovani vogliono viaggiare il più possibile, imparare nuove lingue, visitare nuovi posti e scoprire le altre culture. Noi classi terze del liceo linguistico e scientifico abbiamo avuto questa opportunità: abbiamo vissuto proprio come ragazzi inglesi per una settimana in Broadstairs, cittadina sulla costa inglese.

Divisi a coppie, siamo stati ospiti di famiglie locali, che ci hanno accolto e trattato con gentilezza e disponibilità. Ogni giorno si andava a scuola e si partecipava alle lezioni assieme ad altri studenti stranieri, mettendo in pratica le nostre conoscenze della lingua e la nostra abilità nel parlare. Assieme ai nostri insegnanti madrelingua abbiamo affrontato anche tematiche sul lavoro, ad esempio come preparare un CV (Curriculum Vitae) e come affrontare un colloquio di lavoro. La sera si prendeva parte ad attività differenti, come il drama o il cinema. Ci siamo divertiti molto, imparando nel frattempo aspetti tipici della cultura inglese.

Il terzo giorno siamo andati a visitare Londra. Non immaginavamo sarebbe stata così bella. Si sente parlare spesso di questa città e dei suoi monumenti, ma quando sei lì, in carne ed ossa, tutto cambia. Ti senti come immerso in quel calore che la capitale londinese emana con la sua dinamicità e grandezza. Alla sera eravamo tutti stanchi, poiché avevamo camminato tutto il giorno, ma felici, perché avevamo visitato una delle città più belle al mondo.

Come previsto, una sola settimana non stravolge la tua vita, ma sicuramente ti lascia dei bei ricordi e accresce quella curiosità sul mondo che ti ha spinto a partire.

(Giorgia Bertolani, Maria Vittoria Albertini, Matilde Conconi, Aya Essadiky, Rossella Ghirelli, Classe 3ªQ Liceo Linguistico Dall’Aglio)

Le altre lezioni di inglese.